
***10% of all proceeds are donated to The National Institute of Mental Health and Kansas City Public Television through my Jack of All Trades Crafter Etsy Shop.

***Donations made to Birth Without Borders and Little Dresses for Africa through my Baby And Bloomers Etsy Shop.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Grocery Bag

I have learned that my children love to play with items that aren’t toys. So, I’m creating my own “not toys.” I am in the process of sewing up food items and I needed a grocery bag to go with them. 

How to create the grocery bag:

Supplies needed:
Canvas (sides of the bag and the bottom).
2 different types of fabric (one for the outside and handles, second for the lining)
Bag Pattern Pieces (Check Etsy shop soon)
Sewing Machine and thread

Time: about 2-3 hours

Machine washable/dryable: Yes!


1. Iron fabric.

Cut Fabric:
For the outside of the bag:
2. Cut 4 strips of 2 x 10 inches, using the fabric for the outside of the grocery bag(for the handles).

3. Cut 2 rectangles of piece A and B for the outside of the bag. 

4. Cut 1 rectangle of piece C for the bottom of the bag.

5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the bag lining.

6. Cut 2 rectangles of piece A from the canvas.

7. Cut 1 rectangle of piece C from the canvas.

I like to use a disappearing marker to mark my pieces.

Outside of the bag:

8. Next, pin (wrong sides together) the canvas pieces to the corresponding sides of the grocery bag (outside fabric).  (These are pieces and C). Stitch using ¼ inch seam allowance. 

I like to cut out my fabric all at one time, pin as much as I can, then sew. This makes it easier for me when I have to watch kiddos and cut fabric at the same time.

9. Pin piece C to piece A (right sides together).

10. With right sides together, pin piece B to each side of piece A.

11. Stitch using a ½ inch seam allowance.

How to sew up the bag:

12. With right sides together, sew the edges around the bottom of the bag using a ½ inch seam allowance.

13. With right sides together, sew up the sides, using a ½ inch seam allowance. (Be careful to match up the seams).

Follow steps 9-13.


14. Pin and stitch (right sides together) each side of the 2 x 10 strips together using a ¼ inch seam allowance.  Be sure to leave ends open. Trim edges. Then, use a safety pin and attach it to one side of the strip. Push the safety pin up through the middle of the handle, pulling it right side out.

15. Press handles.

Putting it all together:

16. Turn the lining so that right sides are facing out. Place the bag (the outside part with the canvas) inside the lining, wrong sides facing out, matching up with the wrong sides of the lining. Make sure that seams are aligned, then pin in place.

17. Sew using a ½ inch seam allowance. *Leave one side of bag open so you are able to turn it.

18. Turn bag and check seams for closure. Press bag where needed.

19. Be sure to press top of bag, where lining is.


20. Take handles and fold under ¼ inch on each edge and pin 2 inches in from sides of bag (1 inch between handles). Do this on each side of bag.

21. Pin opening on bag closed (turning under to match up with the rest of the lining).
22. Topstitch or use decorative stitching around entire bag to secure handles and close opening on bag. I liked the wavy design that my machine has and decided to incorporate that. Be sure to double bag on ends or knot with needle

Now give to your little boy or girl! 

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